Rethinking sustainability for 222 years
What is the sustainability revolution? In short, it is a fundamental shift in perspective and this global shift is transforming our economies and the companies that drive them.
For some years now, the dangers of climate change have been discussed, but precious little was done in the way of concrete action. It wasn’t until the Paris Agreement was negotiated in 2015 that global commitments to significant measures were made. And even now, we know that further resolutions are required if we are to be certain of avoiding dangerous temperature rises this century.
As social consciousness continues to rise, the threat to those companies who fail to take sustainability seriously of being left out of portfolios is becoming ever more real.
Moreover, urgent though it is, we cannot only talk about climate change. Our sustainability challenges go far beyond this one issue, and so we cannot continue to seek and deploy knowledge without recourse to improved values. And we cannot realise the objects of better values without the right knowledge. The good news is that, after carefully observing the trends in public, corporate and governmental attitudes, we now believe that these changes haven’t just begun. We believe they’re gaining momentum.
Social consciousness of sustainability issues is rising, and it is applying pressure to both political agendas and business practices. Thus, the regulatory environment and customer sentiment will only become increasingly unfavourable to companies who fail to address the full gamut of sustainability challenges. A third, and perhaps even more powerful, pressure will come from investors. As social consciousness continues to rise, the threat to those companies who fail to take sustainability seriously of being left out of portfolios is becoming ever more real.
This is the sustainability revolution. And, as a wealth and asset manager, we must take the lead. Not just for the good of the economy, society and the environment. But also for our clients.
This is the sustainability revolution. And, as a wealth and asset manager, we must take the lead. Not just for the good of the economy, society and the environment. But also for our clients. Our conviction is that the sustainability revolution represents the biggest investment opportunity in history. As our knowledge and values evolve, so will the opportunities. And the biggest winners will be the earliest players.
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