30 ans d’engagement aux côtés des Gérants de Fortune Indépendants
Au cours des trois dernières décennies, les Gérants de Fortune Indépendants ont su faire évoluer leur modèle d’affaires pour faire face aux enjeux de la place financière. Nous avons construit ensemble un partenariat sur le long terme, basé sur l’excellence, la confiance et la performance. Avec CHF 21 milliards d’actifs déposés et 9 bureaux implantés dans les principaux pôles financiers, notre équipe dédiée aux Gérants de Fortune Indépendants compte aujourd’hui 60 personnes au service de nos 300 partenaires et de leurs clients.
Afin de marquer nos 30 ans d’engagement, nous avons voulu capturer les meilleurs moments des origines de notre département dédié aux Gérants de Fortune Indépendants, ainsi que le témoignage de quelques Gérants de Fortune Indépendants. Nous vous invitons à visionner la vidéo que nous avons conçue à cet effet.Il y a trente ans, à Genève, Lombard Odier créait un département spécialement dédié à la relation avec les Gérants de Fortune Indépendants, faisant ainsi œuvre de pionnier dans le domaine ; une stratégie soutenue par nos Associés-gérants jusqu’à aujourd’hui, qui s’est transformée en véritable valeur ajoutée, à la fois pour notre Maison et nos partenaires, mais aussi pour leurs clients.
Important information
This document is issued by Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd or an entity of the Group (hereinafter “Lombard Odier”). It is not intended for distribution, publication, or use in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be unlawful, nor is it aimed at any person or entity to whom it would be unlawful to address such a document. This document was not prepared by the Financial Research Department of Lombard Odier. Accordingly, it has not been in accordance with the Swiss Bankers Association Directives on the Independence of Financial Research or any other legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research. Any information contained in this document is not and should not be regarded as financial research for the purposes of the Swiss Bankers Association or any relevant regulatory body. Consequently, this document is not subject to any restriction on dealing head of the dissemination of investment research. Furthermore it is duly stressed that opinions expressed in this document may differ from the opinions expressed by other divisions of Lombard Odier, including its Financial Research Department. This document is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to subscribe to, purchase, sell or hold any security or financial instrument.
It contains the opinions of Lombard Odier, as at the date of issue. These opinions and the information contained herein do not take into account an individual’s specific circumstances, objectives, or needs. No representation is made that any investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate to individual circumstances or that any investment or strategy constitutes a personal recommendation to any investor. Each investor must make his/her own independent decisions regarding any securities or financial instruments mentioned herein. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future. Lombard Odier does not provide tax advice. Therefore you must verify the above and all other information provided in the document or otherwise review it with your external tax advisors.
Investments are subject to a variety of risks. Before entering into any transaction, an investor should consult his/her investment advisor and, where necessary, obtain independent professional advice in respect of risks, as well as any legal, regulatory, credit, tax, and accounting consequences. The information and analysis contained herein are based on sources considered to be reliable. However, Lombard Odier does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information contained in this document, nor does it accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from its use. All information and opinions as well as the prices, market valuations and calculations indicated herein may change without notice.
Past performance is no guarantee of current or future returns, and the investor may receive back less than he/she invested. The investments mentioned in this document may carry risks that are difficult to quantify and integrate into an investment assessment. In general, products such as equities, bonds, securities lending, forex, or money market instruments bear risks, which are higher in the case of derivative, structured, and private equity products; these are aimed solely at investors who are able to understand their nature and characteristics and to bear their associated risks. On request, Lombard Odier will be pleased to provide investors with more detailed information concerning risks associated with given instruments.
The value of any investment in a currency other than the base currency of a portfolio is subject to the foreign exchange rates. These rates may fluctuate and adversely affect the value of the investment when it is realised and converted back into the investor’s base currency. The liquidity of an investment is subject to supply and demand. Some products may not have a well-established secondary market or in extreme market conditions may be difficult to value, resulting in price volatility and making it difficult to obtain a price to dispose of the asset.
If opinions from financial analysts are contained herein, such analysts attest that all of the opinions expressed accurately reflect their personal views about any given instruments. In order to ensure their independence, financial analysts are expressly prohibited from owning any securities that belong to the research universe they cover. Lombard Odier may hold positions in securities as referred to in this document for and on behalf of its clients and/or such securities may be included in the portfolios of investment funds as managed by Lombard Odier or affiliated Group companies.
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