our sustainability report 2021.

    message from our managing partners.  

    We are publishing our 2021 Sustainability Report as we begin to emerge from a global pandemic and amid rising global tensions. Even so, the unstoppable forces behind the transition to a sustainable economy and the race to net zero are continuing to gain momentum. 

    Lombard Odier Managing Partners
    Lombard Odier is committed to achieving net zero throughout its operations by 2030

    an economic transformation.

    At Lombard Odier, we believe the current global economic model is unsustainable. It is ‘WILD’: Wasteful, Idle, Lopsided, and Dirty. However, we also recognise that the economy is already transitioning towards what we call a ‘CLIC®’ model: one that is Circular, Lean, Inclusive, and Clean. This transition is fundamentally re-shaping risk and return dynamics across all sectors and asset classes. As such, we understand that sustainability has now become one of the most important drivers of risk and return.

    To arrive at a CLIC® economy, we believe the global economy will have to address eight key sustainability challenges:

    our rigorous investment approach.

    We have developed several science-based tools to help us contribute to achieving a net-zero economy. Implied Temperature Rise (ITR) metrics enable us to define the rate at which each industry must decarbonise to align with a 1.5°C or 2°C increase in global temperatures, assess companies’ decarbonisation trajectories, and measure the alignment of our investments and portfolios with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Meanwhile, our Climate Value Impact (CVI) framework allows us to evaluate the financial implications of the climate transition on companies and portfolios that will result from transitional risks and opportunities, and physical and liability risks.

    harnessing the power of nature.

    We believe that we must increase investment in our natural capital, and that this requires simpler access to clear opportunities. That is why we launched our Natural Capital strategy in November 2020. Last year, we joined the Forest Investor Club (FIC), a group of public and private financial institutions and other investors that seeks to enable access to investments in natural capital by connecting its network with complementary partnerships and clearing bottlenecks.

    Lombard Odier is a founding member of the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA). Watch Dr. Marc Palahí, Director, European Forest Institute (EFI) and Chair, Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA), discuss the transformational role forests can play in developing a circular bioeconomy. 


    stewardship: influencing companies towards sustainability.

    Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM), our asset management business, uses investment stewardship to make a positive contribution to the CLIC® economy through engagement and proxy voting. Our approach incorporates The Oxford Martin Principles for Climate-Conscious Investment, the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and emerging best practice on natural capital, as well as more traditional core ESG considerations. In 2021, we focussed particularly on the climate transition, using stewardship to help drive the monumental task of guiding the economy to a 1.5°C path.

    Watch Rebeca Coriat, Head of Stewardship at Lombard Odier, discuss the importance of stewardship in helping companies adopt sustainable business models.

    the next generation.

    With the largest global inter-generational wealth succession to date projected to take place over the next five years, we foresee an increased focus on environmental and social factors as the next generation begins to engage in investment decisions.

    In 2009, Lombard Odier partnered with the Family Business Network (FBN) to create the FBN Next Generation (NxG) Lombard Odier Award. The award supports young innovators based on strict criteria, including contribution to family business renewal, corporate sustainability, and impact.

    New clients are younger, entrepreneurial in spirit, and socially conscious
    Frédéric Rochat, Managing Partner

    Watch Wissam El Khoury, CEO of K. Invest (Holding) SAL, founder of Le Pré SAL, and winner of the 2021 FBN NxG Lombard Odier Award, discuss what it takes to run a socially responsible business. 

    our sustainability history.

    Since 18412021

    1841 - Alexandre Lombard warns against investing in southern US firms reliant on slave labour

    1863 - Contribution to the foundation of the future Red Cross

    1910 - Among the first private companies to establish an employee pension fund

    1997 - Development of proprietary Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scoring methodology

    2007 - Early signatory to UN Principles for Responsible Investment

    2007 - Partnership with Generation Investment Management

    2012 - Launch of new ESG/ Consciousness, Actions and Results (CAR) materiality scoring methodology

    2014 - Certified Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE)

    2017 - Partnership with Affirmative Inv. Mgmt. on a Global Climate Bond Strategy

    2018 - Signatory to UN Global Compact

    2019 - First global wealth and asset manager to be awarded B Corp Certification

    2019 - Supporter of Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)

    2019 - Imprim’Vert certification for our Geneva printing plant 

    2019 - First publication of our carbon footprint 

    2019 - Member of the Green Bond Principles

    2019 - Participant of Climate Action 100+

    2019 - Commissioner to the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC)

    2019 - Founding member Building Bridges, Geneva

    2020 - Launch of Climate Transition Strategy

    2020 - First stone of our new global headquarters layed down 

    2020 - Founding member of The Circular Bioeconomy Alliance 

    2020 - Launch of Natural Capital Strategy with HRH The Prince of Wales’ Circular Bioeconomy Alliance 

    2020 - Multi-year sustainable investment partnership signed with Oxford University

    2020 - Signatory to UN Principles for Responsible Banking

    2020 - “Positive Actions” label received by the Luxembourg Ministry of Equality

    2021 - Participant COP26

    2021 - Net Zero Investing Strategies

    2021 - Committed to reach net zero by 2050 through the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative 

    2021 - Commitment to net zero by 2030 for our own Operations

    2021 - Publication of our Group Corporate Social Responsibility Ambition and our Supplier Code of Conduct

    2021 - Partner of the Business for Nature coalition 


    reducing our footprint. 

    In 2021, our global carbon footprint was 4,268 tonnes CO2e, an increase from 2020 but down from 7,547 tonnes CO2e in 2019. Since the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects on travel and work significantly affected our 2020 footprint, we use 2019’s figures as a baseline for our emissions reduction comparisons and plans.

    We internally align our efforts to reduce our footprint and aim to make our operations Circular, Lean, Inclusive, and Clean (CLIC®). In addition to having a positive impact on the environment and our stakeholders, reducing our carbon footprint also produces economic benefits in the form of increased operational efficiency and reduced costs. 


    renewable electricity sources


    of paper recycled


    of plastic used


    km travelled by train


    km travelled by plane


    of glass and metal used


    of our Geneva offices heating comes from an in-house circular system


    of coffee capsules recycled

    Reducing our carbon footprint produces economic benefits in the form of increased operational efficiency and reduced costs

    our colleagues. 


    At Lombard Odier, we see The Sustainability Revolution as the biggest investment opportunity of our generation and a driver of higher returns. Our success depends on our colleagues, who enable us to tap into that opportunity on behalf of our clients. That is why we place our people at the centre of our considerations. 

    Lombard Odier strives to provide an ethical and inclusive workplace for all our employees, as outlined in our Code of Conduct, Shared Values, and other internal policies. We believe that it’s important for Lombard Odier to be seen as an employer of choice, and we are fully committed to providing a stimulating, open, innovative working environment.

    partnering with the leaders of tomorrow.


    In partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Fondation Lombard Odier has created a new course that aims to develop participants’ organisational capacity to conduct innovative finance transactions in the humanitarian and development fields.

    philanthropy and community engagement. 


    In 2021, Fondation Lombard Odier’s Covid-19 Relief Initiative continued its work with a particular focus on supporting cultural institutions in Switzerland. Temporary closures and restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic have severely impacted the Swiss cultural sector, causing significant income losses for cultural enterprises, actors, and associations.

    After three years of work, the exterior of the Royal Chapel of the Château de Versailles has been restored to its former glory. This is the third such project in Versailles to be funded by a Swiss donor through Fondation Philanthropia, which also contributed to conserving the traditional expertise of artisans by enabling them to transfer their skills to the next generation through the training of apprentices.

    our new headquarters.


    As the construction of Lombard Odier’s new global headquarters in Bellevue, Geneva, steadily progresses, we are continuing to ensure that our new home embodies the highest sustainability standards, both during construction and in the future.

    We aim to achieve three sustainable construction certifications (Standard Nachhaltiges BauenSchweiz (SNBS), Minergie-P, and BREEAM®) by developing solutions in a number of areas, including:

    Leveraging nature

    Efficient water use and re-use with a 200m3 rainwater collection container in the basement, and a green roof that covers 85% of the roof surface.

    Green mobility solutions

    e-Bikes and charging stations for electric cars and bikes, as well as a bike repair and maintenance workshop.

    Renewable energy

    use of 700 m2 solar roof panels and participating in the GeniLac project: a 100% renewable thermal solution that uses water from Lac Léman to cool and heat buildings.

    download the full 2021 sustainability report.

    download the report.

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